Photo: Destination Cleveland

Cleveland’s North Coast is for everyone

In the future, you could take a stroll or ride your bike on the North Coast Connector. You and your family would fully experience Lake Erie. But how else do you want to enjoy the lake? With more park space? More art and cultural experiences? More shopping and dining options?

That is up to you.

Cleveland’s North Coast Master Plan will create a blueprint for a vibrant and equitable recreational hub for all to enjoy, connecting people with nature and the city to its waterfront. Inspired by the City of Cleveland’s vision, we will prioritize equity, economic opportunity, and climate resiliency. Join us in creating a future that brings healing, access, and inspiration to Cleveland’s communities.

Imagine the North Coast.

We invite all Clevelanders to share their voice by taking our community survey. Your ideas will play a key role in shaping the future of Cleveland’s North Coast. Learn more about upcoming ways to share your ideas on the Get Involved page.

We asked members of the community what they want to see at the renewed downtown lakefront, and their answers continue to guide our plans. Hear their thoughts in this video.

Fall 2023 draft master plan materials.

The City of Cleveland and the master planning team hosted an exploration of the whole history of lakefront development in Cleveland, presented in the unique and energetic PechaKucha format. The meeting culminated in a first look at the draft North Coast Master Plan. Below, you can find the presentation from the meeting by Field Operations, as well as a recording of the event.

Following the first look at the master plan draft, the City held a virtual deep dive into the plan and how the community’s feedback has shaped the design. View a recording of the meeting below.

July 2023 community conversation materials.

Mayor Justin Bibb joined members of the North Coast Master Plan team to discuss their vision for the lakefront and their reactions to initial concepts. The panelists answered questions from the audience about the plans. Below, you can find the presentation from the meeting by Field Operations, as well as a recording of the conversation.

May 2023 community visioning Workshop materials.

The City hosted a series of community visioning workshops in May 2023 to help understand everyone’s ideas for the North Coast. Participants shared their thoughts on the layout of the North Coast Connector and their vision for the North Coast Master Plan. Below, you can find the presentation from the workshops and a recording of the virtual meeting.

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