
We're listening.

We’ve heard many stories from Clevelanders, reflecting deep connections with Lake Erie, and cherished memories of friends and family.

These stories paint a more detailed picture than traditional histories can. They show the nuance and humanity of our interactions with the lake, and they speak to the heart of our vision for a renewed lakefront.

If you like, please share your own lakefront story. We know it will be a valuable addition to our collection.

Share Your Story

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“My Dad and Uncle are big boaters and I grew up spending a lot of time on their boats. Great Lakes boating is its own wonderful thing as we heard from the first person to ask a question to the panel today and is the Captain of a wonderful group of Northeast Ohio boaters. Boating on the Lake is special.”
“In 1975, when I was in 8th grade, my science project was "Is Lake Erie Really Dying?" I did water quality experiments and decorated my poster area with objects found along the shores of Lake Erie, including "glass shapes" (glass bulbs with filaments - rejects from the Fisher-Body Plant), trash, plastic bottles, tampon applicators, pop-tabs and much more. I studied the fish species in Nine-Mile Creek that flowed into the Lake near my house. They were all carp. As kids, we thought nothing of taking pot-shots at rats and carp in and around the streams flowing into the Lake. There were always large numbers of dead fish washing up on the lakeshore. There was graffiti on the steel walls of the marina along I-90 that read "HELP ME I'M DYING". I believed it back then! Happily, Lake Erie has bounced back and many new fish species are thriving in the Lake. It is no longer dying and we should celebrate our lakefront in every way possible!”
“I love to visit the lake. I wish it was closer to my house.”
“always love fishing - Walleye Capital of the World”
“Enjoy walking along the lakefront - Sims Park and Wildwood park.”
“It's beautiful and always makes me feel like I'm on a vacation”
“Every time my parents visit, I take them to Huntington Beach. So I can (ugh) hear again how they used to "neck" there. Ha! Also stories of how my father and his father used to fish off the (original) Euclid Beach pier.”
“Dead fish on the beach when I was growing up - it kept me away for a long time. Give me a reason to go back. But I'm not going in the water. I like the pool idea.”
“Sunrise swims and paddling with friends is something that I cherish. No sunrise is the same and we are lucky to have the opportunity to do these things in Cleveland.”
“Sunday after church, I usually walk around Edgewater. Very relaxing.”
“fishing and watching sunsets on the lake.”
“One of my best memories of my father after he got sober is spending the day swimming in the lake and napping in the sun.”
“Just going to the lake every summer”
“I’d want to enjoy a clean, safe, continuous and traffic – free path where I can jog, walk or bike along the water-front. I’d want a mix of restaurants with great balconies to visit. Best if able to connect to the west side of Cuyahoga river. Let’s get this done!”
“The first time I saw the lake frozen over I was astounded- it was so surreal and beautiful.”
“As a small child our family would take a "vacation" and drive 2 miles to a rental cottage in Euclid on the lake and spend a few days at the beach. Being so young, it seemed like we were at the ocean.”
“Some of my best memories in Cleveland are along the lakefront, even though I grew up south of Cleveland (in Brecksville). My favorite things to do in Cleveland are all centered around the Metroparks, walking paths, and the lake - opportunities to be in the community (even as an introvert!), meet new people, and walk my dog. I am so excited about this project - it's exactly what Cleveland needs to continue it's glow-up.”
“Enjoy boating and fishing on lake as well as view beauty.”
“I've enjoyed a wonderful brunch on the waterfront.”
“Lived on the lake in Euclid for several years. Watching storms approach on tempest-tossed Lake Erie is always memorable”
“Being peaceful”
“The view touches your soul”
“I have many fond memories as a child swimming in Lake Erie, and as an adult boating on the lake. We have an incredible opportunity here to get this right.”
“I grew up spending summers on Lake Michigan - walking to the beach and good food right on the lake - we lived outdoors on summer vacation. I would love to give my children the same experiences but on Lake Erie. More restaurants please!”
“The working, industrial waterfront was always a place of wonder and entertainment. I can dovetail well with re-imagining plans.”
“Riding the train to the lakefront”
“As a kid, my parents always took my sister and I to Cedar Point. I always thought Lake Erie was magnificent.”
“family parties”
“We homeschool our kids and we spend many hours a week at the lake and in the Metroparks enjoying nature and science.”
“Enjoyed fishing with my family when I was growing up”
“I graduated from Vermilion High School and spent many days at the lakefront with friends. Being near the lake, either on the beach or on the rocks, were such strong, beautiful memories for me.”
“My grandparents would take me to the lake when I was little. They lived really close by and it was so peaceful I remember. I've been to the Flats for dinner for my birthday, too.”
“My favorite memories involve staring at the lake at sunset”
“Growing up, my family and I used to go for walks along the lake (on the west side since there weren't many walking areas along the lake downtown). I always enjoyed Edgewater and Huntington beach for all the interesting rock croppings you can journey out on. Downtown, I'd like to see something similar to what is along the water at Bangaroo Reserve at the Sydney Harbor.”
“Lake Erie is a place of relaxation and reflection for me.”
“Running and biking along the shoreline”
“I am a Cleveland transplant and always enjoyed the lakefront access free parking after 6 at a meter to take a picnic dinner into Voinovich park with family.”
“I worked on the Cleveland Lakefront Plan, adopted in 2004. Spent many many many days and evenings along the lakefront (west side, downtown, and east) to understand the natural and human-made interface between land and water. The convergence of Lake Erie and the Cuyahoga, experienced from the causeway by the lighthouse is breathtaking.”
“My wife and I love going to Nuevo (restaurant) and watching the sunset on Voinovich Park. Would love to see more lakeside dining options and walking paths by the lake.”
“I enjoy sitting at the lakefront and reflecting on life and relaxing my mind. I would like to see more flowers, benches, water fountains, playgrounds, historical statues, food places to eat.”
“Going to the beach in Bay Village is one of my favorite memories of growing up here.”
“Kayaking and biking along the lakefront are my two favorite activities.”
“I use it as a spiritual sanctuary to talk to my ancestors and offer gifts.”
“One of my favorite memories is on the goodtime - friends who are now married met there!”
“My Grandma used to take me to The Great Lakes Science Center when I was a kid. I loved it there! They had an observation deck where you could see the lake and birds like to land around there. I remember getting up close and seeing seagulls, ducks, and geese. One time I even saw a seagull snatch a fish from the lake! That was always fun. I love birds.”
“We overlook the lake from our apartment and I look out on it every day.”
“Flying kites at Edgewater. The rib cook offs - National titles at stake. Fireworks competitions”
“Grew up going to Lake Erie and enjoying its beauty, scenery, and recreation. Very special place and should be celebrated and enjoyed more than it already is!”
“My fondest memories are walking along the sandy shore with the waves lapping near.”
“The lake means home to me. I am at the lake several times a week with my dog. It is where I go to feel connected with something greater.”
“Going to Browns games in the fall”
“The park and beauty of the lake.”
“Spending the day on the lake and enjoying the 4th of July Fireworks. Kayaking and swimming off of kayaks in the open water.”
“Fishing at all of my grandfathers "fishing holes" on Lake Erie.”
“Always have grown up interacting with the lake - very special and important natural asset, and so excited to have these new lakefront experiences Downtown as a Downtown resident!”
“When I was younger, I often went to Lake Erie to have fun. Now though, I don't go because its not clean.”
“My mom always walked me to the lake as a child. We would watch the waves, the birds, the sailboats, the power boats and the big freighters. It was a place that combined business and recreation.”
“I grew up on the lake. Going to the beach with friends and family, I still kayak and paddle board often, and just sitting at the beach to find peace!”
“Cleveland Air Show has been integral for us for decades.”
“I like Edgewater concerts. It would be cool to go to a beach downtown where I live. Also a pool like in the Flats.”
“having fun just watching the water”
“Taking my kids to swim and build sandcastles.”
“I went kayaking once on Lake Erie with the Port of Cleveland.”
“I grew up one block away from the lake. Because of that, water has always played a huge part in my life whether it was going to the beach, fishing, boating, kayaking or recharging and finding peace.”
“one time I went there and spoke briefly to a guy about fishing”
“Great memories of swimming in the lake in the summer and watching the fireworks and music events in the parks looking out to the lake.”
“I learned to swim in lake Erie. Twice a year we would go to the Euclid beach. And then go into the lake. Looking for ship recks. That's when I found out commander Admiral Perry's 1st Mate was a black teenager at 16 years old that help fight the Battle of Lake Erie.”
“the Mather museum and the USS Cod are great starting points!”
“Kayaking in the lake was beautiful. Hopefully we can preserve the cleanliness for future generations?”
“We moved downtown 3 years ago to recreate on lake Erie. We are starting to create new memories.”
“I rode the school bus everyday down the Shoreway and would dream of all the amazing things that could happen along the lakefront and in the city so it is exciting to be a part of the process.”
“I cherish the memory of my mom and I doing our first triathlon in Lake Erie's waters.”
“I have always loved visiting the lake as a place of solace. I am glad to see this coming along and finally because it is a long time coming.”
“When I was a kid, my grandmother lived at Euclid Beach Apartments and we would walk down to the beach every time I visited. It was beautiful and something I didn't have at home.”
“As a boy, I spent many nights with my father fishing off the break wall at Edgewater. These experiences - the sights, the smells, the sounds, the feel of the water's spray as the waves crashed into the stones before us, the sift glow of the Coleman lantern and the smell of the butane, the camaraderie with the other fishermen...these are foundational memories that help keep me in touch with my father even though he passed away many years ago.”
“As a child, my neighbor took us on Goodtime. Also my late father had a friend who had boat and he took us on Lake Erie.”
“The Lake Erie waterfront is the most diverse natural waterway on the planet,”
“The lake in winter when it's quiet and the snow mixes with the sand.”
“Going to the lake reminds me of peace and happiness/ I think about the biggest things in life - good and bad - and I find peace in life.”
“Euclid Beach Amusement Park”
“My mom has a dock at 55th and enjoys paddling with inflatable kayaks. I grew up in Lakewood and loved Lakewood Park, Edgewater, Perkins Piers, the Gold Coast, Huntington in Bay. Used to layout and read books on the large rocks. Loved water skiing. The ability to just relax and be while enjoying nature. Skipping stones. People do like looking for sea glass.”
“rowing on the lake at sunrise”
“Years and years of windsurfing, all prior to much nicer access is today and looking forward to even better for SUPS, kayaks, etc!”
“Fishing with my children”
“memories of tubing with friends on the back of a boat and kayaking with family in the lake”
“Favorite moments are at the lake. Sunrises, sunsets, peaceful sounds of seagulls, waves. These are some of my kids favorite moments as well”
“Ice cream stand behind captain franks. Watching airplanes take off from E. 9th St. pier. Walking my dog at Donald gray gardens north of old muni stadium. Catching a train to CHI or Washington at the Amtrak station. Seeing a Indians opener with 80,000 fans.”
“When I was a child, I was in girl scouts. We had a father daughter day and I rode the Good Time III with my dad. I still have the polaroid photo we took in front of the boat. It was such fun time, spending quality time with my dad meant a lot to me.”
“My family has reunions and birthdays at Euclid Beach”
“Just visiting the museums as a kid.”
“My mom used to bring me and my brother down to Edgewater and I have fond memories of running around climbing in the rocks. I'll cherish those memories forever.”
“I loved going swimming in the lake as a kid.”
“I went water tubing around the harbor once and it was so fun, being able to be in the water was an amazing feeling.”
“The lakefront is a relaxing place I brought my children to the beach decades ago and Edgewater was the place to be.”
“a good fisherman's wharf and all the tales that go with good eating with family and friends”
“I love going to the lake to have cookouts and enjoy the beautiful sunsets in the summer.”
“Fireworks during holidays and events.......... need good spot to watch with families fireworks off the lake,”
“My family enjoys the playgrounds at the lakefront parks.”